Soul of the Streets by Kristina Nash

Not the “junky lifestyle” photos people like to look at and be shocked by.


I spent almost a decade on the streets addicted to heroin. These photos are not the “junky lifestyle” photos people like to look at and be shocked by. I took pictures of my friends because the way we were living was not with longevity in mind. And I took pictures of other things to remind me that there was more to life than the way I was living it. I took these because taking pictures was something that was important to me when little else was. My life was full of violence, fear, and it was totally unpredictable; the camera afforded me a small bit of control in an otherwise chaotic life. With these photos I want to let people know that the street kids they pass by everyday are a lot more multifaceted than most give them credit for.

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Kristina Nash is not famous. She has never published a book or shown her photographs. In fact, she failed the only photography class she’s ever taken. She currently lives in Portland, OR, works at a bike shop, and is trying to figure out what to do with 18 years worth of pictures.

Carrie Ivy

Carrie Ivy (formerly Carrie Seitzinger) is Editor-in-Chief and Co-Publisher of NAILED. She is the author of the book, Fall Ill Medicine, which was named a 2013 Finalist for the Oregon Book Award. Ivy is also Co-Publisher of Small Doggies Press.


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